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Hausa Schmidl teaching Peter the Germanic folk flute, Austria 1994

Dr. Richard Payne (Toubat) and Peter, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 2002 "Peter is a real Phenomenon. He has shown a real talent with early Native American Aerophones. I hope others will enjoy his music as much as I." – Dr. Richard W. Payne, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Author of "The Native American Plains Flute," "The Hopi Flute Ceremony" and "Indigenous Aerophones of the Northwest Coast"

Peter is featured in the book: "The Spiritual Significance of Music"

Peter, G S Sachdev and Tiit Raid. World Flute Society Convention at UW-Eau Claire "Peter Phippen's music comes from the heart and touches the soul. That is God's gift to a musician." – G. S. Sachdev, Bansuri Flute Master

Peter performing at Lawrence University. "Peter is a consummate musician and a generous educator. As a performer, his mastery of such a variety of world flute styles is astounding. The subtlety of his performance was transcendent." – Brian Pertl, Dean, Lawrence Conservatory of Music

Peter performing with Rahbi Crawford at the 2016 World Flute Society Conference evening concert U-W Wisconsin Eau Claire. It was not long before I found myself lost in the flow and pulsations, becoming a small part of the occurrence. I have to admit I was impressed by how the music was balanced among the instruments, none overpowering the other in what was a show of respect for each other and the music. - RJ Lannan, Zone Music Reporter

Peter performing with friends / mentors Ivar Lunde and Tiit Raid at World Flute Society Conference evening concert U-W Wisconsin Eau Claire. The album “Seven” is a unique musical collaboration between Peter Phippen, Ivar Lunde, Jr., and Tiit Raid. If you’re attuned to having a deeply meditative, reflective, trance inducing, Zen musical experience, the album “Seven” is definitely one for you. - Dyan Garris, NewAgeCd.Com